Policy Statement
The Loughborough Orchestra, a registered charity, is an amateur orchestra.
Although its members are mainly adults some young people (under the age of 16 years) are involved in the activities of the Orchestra, usually as players. The Orchestra welcomes and actively encourages the involvement of such young people, to foster their musical development and as a way of encouraging future membership. However we need to ensure their safety and well-being whilst they are in our care.
Aims of this policy
· To ensure the safety of any child entrusted to the care of the Orchestra
· To protect the position of the Orchestra in the event of any allegations of misconduct towards such children
· Orchestra – The Loughborough Orchestra
· Activity – any rehearsal, concert or associated activity officially arranged by the Orchestra
· Child – any person under the age of 18 years taking part in an Orchestra activity
· Committee – the committee of the Orchestra (who are also the trustees of the charity)
· Supervisor – any member of the Orchestra who has been approved by the Committee to look after the interests of the children involved in its activities.
Roles and responsibilities
· The Committee will appoint certain suitable members of the Orchestra to take responsibility for the supervision of any children becoming involved in its activities
· The appointment of such supervisors will be made after satisfactory evidence has been obtained that checks have been made with the Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) for similar purposes within the last three years
· Each child involved in the activities of the Orchestra will be allocated to one or more supervisors.
· On their first arrival at the Orchestra, the child will be introduced to the Musical Director, who will arrange their seating and deal with any musical matters and to their supervisor, who will be the first point of contact for the child, should any personal problems arise from Orchestra activities.
· Supervisors will keep a discreet watch on children in the Orchestra and ensure their general well-being.
· The committee will be responsible for the appointment of Supervisors
· The committee will be responsible for dealing with any child protection issues reported to it by the Supervisors.
· The committee will ensure that the circulation of lists of names which include children’s telephone numbers, addresses and email addresses is restricted to only the appointed Supervisor and the Musical Director.
· The committee will ensure that no taking and storing of photographs and videos of children is undertaken during Orchestra activities unless the appropriate section of the permission slip has been completed. No assumptions are to be made about whether it is acceptable. In the case of older children, the children themselves should be asked as well as appropriate parental permission being sought.
· Before a child takes part in any activity, written permission must be provided to the Orchestra by his/her parents/carers. The permission form is attached to this policy. The policy can be accessed from the member’s section of the website, or a hard copy can be requested from the Orchestra Secretary
Orchestra members
· No member of the Orchestra is allowed to be alone at any time with any child in the Orchestra during any activity. Independent arrangements made by parents are excluded from this clause.
· There is to be no inappropriate contact between members and any child in the Orchestra during any activity
· No member of the Orchestra is permitted to meet with any such child outside such activities or away from the normal meeting place, unless a parent or other adult approved by a parent is present.
Complaints Procedure
· Any complaints regarding the safety of children and/or the conduct of members towards such children are to be referred to the Supervisor in the first instance. He/she will raise it with the committee, who will decide what further action should be taken, if relevant. The Supervisor will then report back to the complainant.